Welcome to Stache

Solana's First Smart Account

What is it?

Stache is a collection of on-chain programs that puts you in control. Governed by code, it provides an on-chain smart account compatible with Solana wallets like Phantom, Solfare, and more. With a smart account, you unlock more options beyond what your wallets can do alone. Our flagship feature, Bazaar, enables you to sell items directly to buyers. As soon as you create your Stache, you gain access to your personal shop, allowing you to sell digital assets on your own terms.

Why would I use a smart account?

Smart accounts offer MANY benefits:

  • A simplified user experience

  • Increased security

  • Wallet loss prevention

  • Anti-hacking measures

  • Protection against phishing & scams

How do I use it?

Think of Stache as your flexible "bank account." Any wallet you use—desktop, phone, or Ledger—acts like an ATM for easy deposits and withdrawals. And like a bank account, Stache goes beyond just holding your assets. It allows you to manage subscriptions, pay bills, and seamlessly interact with other services, all without the need for manual intervention. Stache is like having a virtual assistant that handles your financial tasks effortlessly.

What can it do?

  • Link & view multiple wallets

  • Sell items & collectibles directly to buyers

  • Store assets in secure vaults

  • Automate transactions

Where do I start?

You can start by creating an account or exploring the Bazaar. Join the beta here: https://app.stache.io/ OR first explore the Bazaar: https://app.stache.io/bazaar

Find out how to create your Stache smart account in our setup guide.

See what features are live in beta.

Last updated